CG Therapies is located at 1066 W Granville Ave, Chicago, IL
60660, halfway between Broadway and Sheridan on the corner of Granville and Winthrop. The entrance is the North side of the street. Please enter and have a seat in the lobby chairs. Please help yourself to coffee or tea, if you like. There is a restrooms located down the hallway.
Metered parking is usually available on Granville Ave. There is free parking on Winthrop and Kenmore, but it can be harder to find than metered spots.
Public Transit
CG Therapies is accessible by both el and bus. The nearest el stop is the Red Line Granville stop, just half a block away. Walk East (turn right) from the el station and you cross to the other side of the street. You will see our location not far away.
We are also just 1 block from the #147 Broadway/Granville stop and 1 block from the #151 & #147 Sheridan/Granville stop.
1066 W. Granville Ave, Chicago, IL 60660 • 773-359-3505 •